Buildings level (in development)

In PVP and PVP mode, a building level will be added (in development)

The level of the building will be taken away only if the previous owner has at least once raised the level of this building. Let 's turn to an example:

Player 1 owned the "Brothel" building from Level 1 and developed it to level 40

However, Player 2 managed to capture the "Brothel", which is why the level of the building will drop by 10 ur because the former owner was improving it.(As a result, the "Brothel" has a level of 30)

But almost immediately, Player 3 captures this building. Player 2 does not have time to raise the building by at least 1 level, so in this case the level will not be taken away because there were no improvements from the former owner.

Player 3 also manages to raise the "Brothel" to level 37, but the building is again captured by another player, but already at number 4. And since the former owner managed to make some improvements, the building loses levels again (this time only 7 because this is the maximum number that the former owner raised). As a result, the "Brothel" has level 30.

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